====== Finnish a Story ====== [[fldigi-activities|Other FLDigi Activities]]\\ This is a variation of [[build-a-sentence|Build a Sentence]], but instead of building a sentence we are going to build a story. An operator starts by transmitting an incomplete sentence. The next operator finishes the sentence and then transmits the beginning of the next sentence, building on to the story. Transmission may continue for a predetermined number of turns -- e.g. each operator contributes 3 times, for a set amount of time -- e.g. 5 minutes, or until someone decides to end the story. Each operator should transmit the call sign of the station they are passing it to, their own call sign, and their contribution to the story. Alternately, operators can transmit the entire story to this point plus their contribution. An example round might go something like: KB7ITU de N7TMS\\ As the rain poured, I walked to… KJ7FX de KB7ITU\\ School. Here I saw… KF7BRO de KJ7FX\\ An alien. He was… The alternate transmission style would look something like: KB7ITU de N7TMS\\ As the rain poured, I walked to… KJ7FX de KB7ITU\\ As the rain poured, I walked to School. Here I saw… KF7BRO de KJ7FX\\ As the rain poured, I walked to School. Here I saw an alien. He was… Either way, net control or some designated operator should record the entire story and transmit it at the conclusion of play.