=====Knowledgebase===== [[kb|Home]] ====Raspberry Pi==== ===Autoplay video on Raspberry Pi=== [from: https://rusnak.io/autoplay-video-on-raspberry-pi/] - Download Raspbian Lite from raspberrypi.org - Copy the downloaded image to the SD card - (e.g. sudo dd if=2020-02-13-raspbian-buster-lite.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=fsync,notrunc bs=4M) - Boot Raspberry Pi into freshly installed Raspbian - Copy your video from USB flash drive to the SD card - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get install omxplayer - Append this line /usr/bin/omxplayer -b --loop /home/pi/*.mp4 to file /etc/rc.local - Set the file as executable: chmod +x /etc/rc.local - Reboot and enjoy! To turn it off, I had to ssh into the raspberry pi and remove the added line from /etc/rc.local and reboot.