Todd Smith N7TMS has received permission from the W5YI VEC to conduct online, remote, video-supervised testing with strict rules and protocols for maintaining the integrity of the testing environment.
We would truly enjoy helping you along your Amateur Radio path, but each session size is limited and candidates will be served on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Prepare the following before your online exam session:
❏ Exam Fee Payment: You must pay the $14 exam fee in advance electronically via credit card. (Do NOT pay the fee until you receive confirmation that your session is scheduled.)
❏ PHOTO ID: A legal photo ID will need to be shown on camera to the VE Team. For online sessions the VE Team will only accept a driver’s license or passport for adults. Individuals under age 18 may show either of the above items, or a school ID or report card. (A legal guardian will also need to present a photo ID.)
❏ Federal Registration Number (FRN): An FRN is required. You will be prompted for the number during the exam registration process. If you do not have an FRN, you will be prompted to register for one. Make sure you follow the instructions to do so.
❏ Exam Application: A few hours before your scheduled exam you will receive a link to your specific exam session where you will fill out an exam application. Your application will generate a 4-digit PIN that you will need to provide to the VE team. Following your registration, you will receive another email with a link to a document that you must digitally sign before your exam session begins.
❏ Prepare your computer and cell phone camera: The VE Team must ensure the integrity of the test environment. Be sure your computer and phone can handle these parameters:
You may optionally have a computer calculator app on your screen during the exam.
❏ You must have a working computer with web camera and a microphone. (Chromebooks, iPads and other tablets are not permitted. They do not allow the necessary remote control functionality.) You must also have another device (such as a cell phone) with a camera. The audio will remain muted on this device.
❏ Your computer and phone must be connected to the Internet with reliable service.
❏ You must download and test-run Zoom on the computer and phone.
❏ Temporarily disable any chat, alerts, bluetooth, virtual screens, or pop-up apps.
❏ Be sure the computer and phone are plugged in or fully charged.
❏ You must have only one screen or monitor on the computer. Remove any additional monitors or take a single laptop into a different room.
❏ You may have a computer calculator application on your screen during the exam. Load it in advance if you need it. No other applications or browser windows are permitted to be open.
The VE team may end the exam immediately if they suspect any form of non-compliance with these parameters.
❏ Prepare your exam room: The VE Team must ensure the integrity of the testing environment. Be sure you can take the exam uninterrupted.
❏ You must not have in the exam room any other people or pets, other than a registered service animal.
❏ Clear the room of (or cover) all non-exam materials, notes, books, posters, computer screens, or anything that could aid in taking the exam.
❏ Clear your exam table and floor of ALL items within reach or view that would raise suspicion, such as papers, sticky notes, electronic items, headphones, waste baskets, and anything unnecessary for the exam.
❏ Clear the room of any distracting things that could take your attention off of the exam. Shut the windows, close the curtains, silence or unplug telephones, clock chimes, etc.
❏ Warn family members not to enter the room during the exam.
❏ Have a fully charged cell phone ready to link to the same Zoom meeting. This device will be used to scan the room and be placed to observe you during the exam if requested by the VE team.
❏ Be sure the phone audio is off and the computer audio is on.
❏ Practice for your exam: It is your responsibility to be fully prepared. Use an online practice site to practice all topics and to take practice exams. Be sure you are consistently scoring well above the passing grade before you schedule an exam. We highly recommend
Know the Rules for Remote Exams
❏ Multiple Exams in a Single Sessions: If you are prepared to take multiple exams in the same session, let the host know prior to entering the exam room. We will make every effort to accommodate the request. In the worst case scenario, you will be placed back in the waiting room until others have had an opportunity to test. You will then be readmitted into the session. The VE team may ask again to verify your ID and scan the room.
❏ Certificate of Successful Completion of Exam (CSCE): At the completion of the exam session, the VE team will send you a CSCE for your records.
❏ Protocol for Online Exams: (Read this now. The session host will review it again at the beginning of the session.)
You must complete the test without any interruptions that would raise suspicion about the integrity of the testing environment.
You agree to keep attention on your computer screen at all times. Eyes may not wander to other parts of the room and you may not leave your chair during the exam session.
You agree to use a single-screen computer or laptop. No other screens may to be attached or near your computer.
You may not have visitors in the room. Family and pets must be kept out for the duration of the exam.
You will use your cell phone camera connected to Zoom to scan the entire room and exam area to show that there are no materials or people that could aid in taking the exam.
If requested by the VE team, you will place your cell phone so that it views a larger area around your test environment.
You may optionally pre-load on your screen a calculator application. The VE team reserves the right to inspect the calculator and clear its memory before the exam begins.
You will NOT be permitted to use scratch paper, writing utensils, physical calculators, or other tools for assistance during the remote exam.
You must agree to share your entire screen with the VE team, not just the browser.
You must agree that the exam session will be recorded and the recording will be stored for up to 30 days. Your registration for the exam session is considered your consent.
You must agree that if the VE team suspects that there is a possibility of cheating, the exam may be terminated and the exam fee forfeited, and you may be barred from taking remote exams in the future.
At this point the VE Team will follow this procedure:
Please show your picture ID, front and back, in the camera until every VE can verify your identity.
The VE Manager will now turn on the recorder to record your screen, your web cam, and your phone camera view.
Please use your phone camera to scan the room, all around, including ceiling and floor, under table and chair, under laptop and keyboard, with a closeup of the computer, keyboard, and your hands, arms, and body.
Please leave the phone on and propped up at a distance aimed toward the computer, so that it can view you and the the computer.
Please share via Zoom your full desktop, not just a browser window.
Please load and arrange a browser window and optionally position a calculator app next to it, and show that the calculator memory is clear.
Please open your “Display Settings” to verify that there is only one video session running.
Please type in the browser address field “” to load the exam engine.
You will be asked to enter the session call sign and your 4-digit exam PIN.
The VE Manager will authorize the exam and let you in.
Please keep your attention on the screen and keep your microphone on.
All VE team members will mute microphones.
When you finish the exam, you may check over your answers and then press the Grade button.
The VE team will show you your final score, but we are not permitted to share the specific questions you missed.
You are free to stop your screen-share and browser.
The VE Manager will now turn OFF the recorder.
The VE Team will email you the CSCE for your records.
The VE Manager will explain the time frame for uploading your exam and when your license will appear in the FCC database.
The VE Manager will explain how to reach out for any questions.