Instruction Team

Todd Smith N7TMS

Todd N7TMS

By day, Todd has been an IT professional for over 35 years. By night you can hear him on the air, mostly 40 meters, in practically any mode, although Morse code is his favorite. Todd would rather talk about ham radio than anything else. He is passionate about teaching and sharing this avocation with others. He loves weekend contesting and sharpening his emergency communication skills.

Bob Hodgen KB7WPS


Bob was introduced to amateur radio as a boy in the days of “home brew” radios and never lost his fascination for this exciting hobby. He began his career as a language instructor at Eastern Oregon University and, after a number of incarnations, retired as a healthcare administrator in St. Anthony, ID. Bob received his novice and technician licenses more than 20 years ago and over the years has upgraded to general and amateur extra. Bob is passionate about emergency communications, gardening, beekeeping, backyard livestock and all things self-reliance.

Mike Odom KJ7FX

Mike KJ7FX

I am a retired IT professional with over 40 years in IT. Now that I am retired I have more time to pursue my hobbies. I have always been interested in Ham Radio. I got serious about getting my license when I became involved in emergency preparedness activities in Washington State.

I earned my Technician License in 2008 in Maple Valley WA. I upgraded to General in 2009. I did not get serious about HF until summer of 2013. At that time upgraded to Extra Class in September 2013. I now have a full HF base station operating from my home in Rexburg along with my VHF\UHF base station. I am actively involved in ARES, RACES and the ERC. My next step is to get active in the digital aspects of both the VHF\UHF bands and the HF Bands. Ham radio can become a very addictive hobby. I am also an instrument rated pilot and love flying. I also teach web design classes for BYUI.  I keep my retirement days busy.

Keland Draney KM7G

Keland KM7G

Keland grew up on a farm in the Star Valley, Wyoming area and later graduated from Ricks College in Electronics Engineering Technology. While a student at Ricks College, he became interested in amateur radio. He received his Novice license in 1977 and later upgraded to Amateur Extra. Keland began his career at a commercial two-way radio shop and has done the same work along with other duties at Ricks College/BYU-Idaho since 1977. Along with ham radio, Keland enjoys fly tying and fly fishing, hiking, and spending time with his wife, their 4 children and 15 grandchildren.

Ron Kinville K5CTR


Ron was born and raised in the Spokane, WA area where he first received his Amateur Radio license at the age of 14. He worked in the construction industry for 27 years and in 2008 graduated from BYU-Idaho with a degree in Construction Management. In 2010 he received his Master’s Degree from E.K.U. in Safety, Security, and Emergency Management. Ron is a member of the faculty at BYU­Idaho. He has been happily married to Nancy for 29 years and they have five children and three grandchildren. Nancy and their two younger sons (ages 15 and 18) are also licensed amateur radio operators.