A Technician (entry level) course begins in Sugar City on Octobre 26. Click here for more details.
RexburgHams has released its Technician Course slide deck for public use.
In addition, you can now purchase the accompanying workbook directly. Click here for more information.
RexburgHams is devoted to delivering quality and accurate information to the Amateur Radio world. Your donation helps to support that effort.
Click here to donate via PayPal.
In order to better organize information, we've created a wiki page (compliments of Dokuwiki).
It isn't much more than a skeleton right now, but come back often to check for new content. Let us know if there is a topic you'd like to see posted. You could also send us an email with the content in a Word document format (.docx) or even a text file (.txt) and we'll find a home for it.
Exam are currently being administered remotely, online, via Zoom. Click here for more information.